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Tuesday 27 January 2015


Catholic Cathedral Kohima, is an architectural landmark, besides its standing as the centre of the Catholic Church of Nagaland. The term Cathedral, drawn from Latin, means chair and therefore is the ‘Church where the Bishop of a diocese resides. The Diocese, to understand further is the geographical divisions of the Catholic Church. It is headed by the Bishop, presently Rt.Rev.Jose Mukala, and together with the clergy, religious and the laity forms a unit of the Church.
Cathedral Church too is a parish with a population of over 1500 parishioners, belonging to various tribes, cultural background, linguistic groups, etc
Catholic Cathedral of Kohima is a unique in many ways. Its architectural might and complexity is a surprise. The semicircular building with its modern architectural thinking covers one side of the Armature hill with every bit of construction planned in details, providing no space to be wasted. Is façade is shaped in line with the traditional Naga House. A complete structure, including official and residential rooms!
Thanks to Lt.Rt.Rev.Abraham Alangimattathil, whose brain child this Cathedral is. He was the first Bishop of Nagaland. He wanted to provide a place for all to pray and spend time in solitude with the self and the Devine. His dreams tool to reality in the eighties and brought its consecration in January 1991.
The actual work began in 1986 and the dedication and consecration of the church was done in 1991. the land was purchased from Mr.Satuo of Kochtu clan. The lion’s share of the three crore financial expense came from the Japanese, who wished the church to be a place of prayer especially for the Japanese War victims who lay down their lives for their nation in the Second World war battle fought in Kohima. This affirmed in the prayer inscribed in English & Japanese script in the Cathedral Campus.”…It is with thankfulness that we heard that a Catholic Cathedral was built at Kohima, where Mass would offered every morning in the memory of the fallen…”
This semicircular gallery of pews for 3000 seating and 1500 standing capacity has its extraordinary aesthetic appeal. The special allotted places for baptism, confession, adoration, etc.add beauty to the church.
 The pages of historical developments include the great meetings of the reconciliation of the Japanese and the British war veterans. Therefore the Cathedral is not a mere memory of war but also the healing place of the war memories, the real need!
‘The Natural Light system’ has something outstanding in this building. The specially designed transparent roof, make it possible to have sufficient light inside at any time of the day. The artistic presentations add beauty to it.
The magnificent crucifix, so realistic its presentation, is carved in wood. The figure has 16 ft height, possibly one of the tallest wooden carved crucifixes in Asia.
The Naga cultural presentation is an outstanding feature of the campus. The building, painting, the furniture, etc. are modeled after the Naga tradition and heritage. In keeping up the Naga tradition, the campus is marked with four gates in four directions (North, South, West and East).
The Stations of the Cross posed in the main entrance is a special beautiful feature. It is the presentation of Jesus` final journey with the cross, the last journey to Calvary. The fourteen stations, pose a real replica to the faithful with its beautiful arrangement on the slop of the hill leading up to the Cathedral.
The Tomb of Bishop Abraham Alangimattathil
The Cathedral holds the mortal remains of Rt.Rev.Abraham Alangimattathil, the first Bishop of Nagaland. Having lived an extensive missionary life as a priest and as a Bishop in North East especially Nagaland. He was a great instrument of God`s grace to all. ‘He lived and died for Nagaland.’
Perpetual Adoration and intercessory prayers
In the crypt attached to the church, everyday from 8 am to 4 pm prayer and adoration go on in front of the Blessed Sacrament (Jesus in the form of Bread). Those in prayer offer praise and petitions on behalf of all.
A source of strength
The Cathedral is a place beyond tribal and denominational boundaries. It is a joy to see a lot of pilgrims coming from far and near. Some come just to see it while others spend time in prayer and silence and all return with a grace for themselves. The church holds daily Eucharistic celebration for people at 6.30 is. On Sundays it is held twice. Besides it holds regular spiritual programmes for the people of the locality and the area at large. Cathedral is a place of prayer, a place of peace. 


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